date of birth: -
Puppies have been after our show-line Bien and working-line Viper Deabei.
Bien is mainly a family dog of my mother, but she is still very handy and active. Her grandfather Aragorn passed the highest exam IPO3, grandma Atu passed ZVV1, uncle Sepp IPO3 and ZVV1, brother Bazz FPr1 and SPr1, brother Boco ZVV1, OPT3, ZPT3 a T3 (TART), half-brother Candor IPO3.
Fredy is a young, gris male with a stable character who is mainly a companion of his owner, an old lady. He has passed the BH / VT exam and is prepared for IGP exams. After daddy comes from Ring blood, dad and grandfathers have Ring3, after mother is from IPO line and have in pedigree many names with the highest tests. His brother Vano and Valnoot have passed IGP2 and are preparing for the highest exams. Grandmother and grandfather started at the World Championship in IGP.
We expect active puppies suitable for most dog sports, medium height and good body structure, which can handle higher load. We assume a balanced characters with a high willingness to cooperate and practice with its owner.
As it is a working combination, we are looking only for active owners interested in breed.
If you are interested, please contact us.